Friday, February 15, 2013

Oliver the Kitty

This is Oliver! He's a Siamese kitten, and his hobbies include: sleeping in the sun, jumping on the couch, and sleeping on the keyboard.. And, as you can see, this person has been using their Kindle alot more often. LOL XD

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Savannah! This is Oliver's mommy. Oliver is actually a Balinese, which is a breed that developed spontaneously from Siamese. You can't see in that pic because he'd being all oh-I'm sooo-sleepy, but he's got an adorable mask on his face, too! Let me see if I can put a photo in here...

    Nope, it didn't let me; IMG tag is not allowed. Well, when I've got a moment I'll try to remember if that's the right way to post a pic in Blogspot or if I could try something else! ;)

